
Slaves in the Backyard

Moore Genealogy

Sometimes a story that needs to be told could be right outside your door. Perhaps you just failed to comprehend, or it just grew too familiar and as a result, gave it no real thought. This post is a small footnote in the telling of this much larger story, and I hope a means for some to help find their family’s story. This story was found in my wife’s backyard in her childhood home

This is a picture of my brother-in-law playing Frisbee with his young nephew (out of picture) in my wife’s family backyard. The two trees with the overgrown bushes between them are the Treadwell family graves. In the upper right hand part of the picture you can see part of Lake Champlain. That is Treadwell Bay. My wife and I use to walk through her grandfather’s pastures to swim and picnic there when we were dating.

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RootsTech 2019 Salt Lake City Part II


This was the first time for me to present at RootsTech as well as visit Salt Lake City and I must state that both were very enjoyable!  With so much to see and do at the conference, it was a wonderful smorgasbord of events for everyone.


IMG_2491The Expo Hall was filled with vendors and products that filled my head with ideas and my bag with items to use in my research. My husband and I also enjoyed getting our picture made with the tree man from RootsFinder.



IMG_2507What I especially enjoyed was presenting with Valerie Elkins and Rachel Trotter, two professionals who know the ins and outs of getting families involved in genealogical research. I learned so much from just listening to their presentations.


Not a bad group for 8:00 on a Saturday morning!  When it came time for my presentation, I was so glad I had taken the advice of my professional speaker and presenter son, Michael Villareal, who recommended that I practice, practice, practice. Good advice! I felt totally at ease even with this huge group.





After the presentation, I was able to share a bit of information about my books . . .





and give my good friend, Cindy Medina, a big hug!



Thank you, Heidi Ertel, Tara Bergeson, and all the staff who helped organize and make RootsTech 2019 such a wonderful experience!